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Go back to school safe with CHWCMR. Volviendo a la escuela seguros con CHWCMR.

Four successful events were held last week in the communities of Sedro Woolley, Federal Way, Kent and Enumclaw in Washington State. These events were promoted by CHWCMR, WEAREDH and sponsored by the Washington State Department of Health, Sheng Yen Lu, AllinWa, Foundation and North Sound who joined forces and bet on the promotion of the vaccine in children and young people over 12 years of age.

Gifts, educational talks, games and raffles, were part of the events for the benefit of our Latinx community that approached the points where CHWCMR arrived with its health promotes in search of eradicating misinformation, opening the possibility of access to vaccines against COVID-19, and providing optional and truthful information to all the people who were joining in the course of the event.

Soccer and skirmishes were the representative sports of the events in which we captivated the attention of more than 800 people who also had the possibility of registering to get the vaccine and have the free UBER service to the point of vaccination. Children, youth, adults and parents understood the importance of getting vaccinated on time, complying with prevention measures and going back to school using face masks, antibacterial gel and disinfecting personal belongings back home.



Cuatro destacables eventos se llevaron a cabo la semana pasada en las comunidades de Sedro Woolley, Federal Way, Kent y Enumclaw del Estado de Washington. Estos eventos fueron promovidos por CHWCMR, WEAREDH y patrocinados por el Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington, Sheng Yen Lu Foundation y North Sound quienes unieron fuerzas y le apostaron a el impulso de la vacuna en niños y jóvenes mayores de 12 años.

Regalos, charlas educativas, juegos y rifas, hicieron parte de los eventos en beneficio de nuestra comunidad latina que se acercó a los puntos donde CHWCMR llegó con sus promotes de la salud en busca de erradicar la desinformación, abrir la posibilidad de que accedieran a las vacunas contra el COVID-19, y brindar información oprtuna y veráz a todas las personas que se iban uniendo en el trasncurso del evento.

El soccer y las escaramuzas fueron los deportes representativos de los eventos en los que cautivamos la atención de más de 800 personas que tambien tuvieron la posibilidad de inscribirse para colocarse la vacuna y tener el servicio de UBER gratuito hasta el punto de vacunación. Niños, jóvenes, adultos y padres de familia entendieron la importancia de vacunarse a tiempo, de acatar las medidas de prevención y de volver a la escuela utilizando máscaras, gel antibacterial y desinfectando los objetos personales de regreso a casa.



Mon - Fri: 8:30 am - 5pm

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CHWCMR is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code

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