As the numbers of infected with the COVID-19 virus rise in Washington state, a new expression is developing among communities and organizations encouraging their employees, friends and neighbors to get vaccinated and not be part of the Pandemic of the unvaccinated people swelling lists of bed occupancy in intensive care, many people continue to die and use more artificial respirators than we would like. Now we are all at risk! The people who have access to the vaccine are not exempt from contracting COVID-19, however, the risk is lower and the complications resulting from this disease are reduced, but we remain concerned about the people who still . They are not convinced that the vaccine is the solution to return to our activities, social life, hugging and kissing our loved ones without being behind a mask. The entire community must be prepared to wear a mask and take all the necessary prevention measures to avoid contagion, take care of children and promote the vaccination of young people 12 years of age and older so that we win the battle against this pandemic as soon as possible. essential and priority at this time.
La Pandemia de los No Vacunados...
¡Ahora todos estamos en riesgo!, las personas que accedimos a la vacuna no estamos exentos de contraer el COVID-19, sin embargo, el riesgo es menor y las complicaciones producto de esta enfermedad se disminuyan, pero seguimos preocupados por las personas que aún no se convencen de que la vacuna es la solución para volver a nuestras actividades, vida social, abrazar y besar a nuestros seres queridos sin estar detrás de una máscara.
Toda la comunidad debe estar preparada para usar máscara y tomar todas las medidas de prevención necesarias para evitar los contagios, cuidar a los niños e impulsar la vacunación de jóvenes de los 12 años en adelante para que ganemos la batalla a esta pandemia lo antes posible es esencial y prioridad en este momento.