CHWCMR is happy to announce that we are going to workers with local government and partners to held COVID-19 clinics around the state, so our migrants, refugees and undocumented Latinx can get vaccinated to reduce the spread of Omicron in our communities. This year we are dealing with Omicron A1 -2.
Latinx, American Native and African American are the population who has more hospitalization in our state due to misinformation and social barrier faced by our communities based on information gather from WA DOH in Feb. 18, 2022.
Thank you to our collaborates we are going to provide with free-COVID-19 home test, facemask KN95 for adult and children, Uber transportation, and economic stipend of $50
to people who get the vaccine during our educative clinics.

If you would like us to visit at your community, please contact us"