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CHWCMR -2020 Census Community Activity in South Park and around Communities.

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CHWCMR would like to congratulate Amigos de Seattle partnership for the extraordinary work they have done in working on the 2020 census by visiting bookstores, restaurants, beauty salons, school, and travel agencies in the community of South Park and around communities, Luis Amado, and Francisco Martinez received a grant for the CHWCMR activities funded by the Washington Census Equity Fund, a statewide pooled fund managed by Philanthropy Northwest.

Luis and Francisco also organizing additional activities to talk and distribute materials for increasing 2020 Census Participation among Hispanics by talking with another dance groups from Guatemala, Panama. More than 170 were informed by Luis and Francisco. Well done job and If everyone is counted, everyone is a winner!


CHWCMR desea felicitar a la asociación de Amigos de Seattle por el extraordinario trabajo que han realizado al trabajar en el censo de 2020 visitando librerías, restaurantes, salones de belleza, escuelas y agencias de viajes en la comunidad de South Park y sus alrededores, Luis Amado y Francisco Martínez recibieron un grant para las actividades de CHWCMR financiadas por el Washington Census Equity Fund, un fondo común estatal administrado por Philanthropy Northwest.

Luis y Francisco también organizan actividades adicionales para hablar y distribuir materiales para aumentar la participación en el censo 2020 entre los hispanos hablando con otros grupos de danza de Guatemala, Panamá. Más de 170 fueron informados por Luis y Francisco. Trabajo bien hecho y se todos cuentan, ¡todos son ganadores!


Mon - Fri: 8:30 am - 5pm

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CHWCMR is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code

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