Our Community Champions and Partners presented at the 2019 WA DOH Conference
Congratulation to our participants and Community Champions
CHWCMR Teaching at the 2019Northwest Rural Health Conference
CHWCMR at Northwest Rural Conference.
First Refugee Legislature in Washington State
Migrants and Refugees will count on the census
Acknowledgement of the Importance of Undocumented/ Immigrant Workers
The crossover of the Community Champions by Ileana Maria Ponce-Gonzalez
Difference between Migrants/Refugees/& Immigrants
Migrant Worker Justice Info.
Leadership Workshop by the Sound Alliance.
Refugee Women Resource
Improving oral health in migrant and underserved populations: evaluation of an interactive, communit
Immigration in Washington 2019
Community Health Workers for Migrants and Refugees
Finding support and help: how your community can make a difference