Daughter of farmworkers in Quincy, now a Ph.D. student studying conditions in the fields, wins $100
CHWCMR/Arcora Fundation support our brothers from Guatemala.
An overwhelming response to the second workshop CHWCMR Community Champions saving life to respond to
Do you know that the U.S. Census is not counted all of us.
CHWCMR Peer Review Process for Community Champions Outcomes
Congratulations CHWCMR Team for the well-done job!
CHWCMR is reducing oral health in WA
CHWCMR is very honored to have Dr. Michael Parchman as a BOD.
Community Health Worker Coalition for Migrants and Refugees (CHWCMR) supports international students
Ileana Maria Ponce-Gonzalez, MD, MPH, our Executive Director, at Washington Medical Commission.
CHWCMR concluded another of their National Contract. Thanks to KDH Research & Communication.
Congratulations to two CHWCMR Champions: Christian Lopez and Luis Garcia Virtual radio, VT Universal
Videos con Excelente Temas de Conversación
Cultural Humility and Competences with CHWCMR and Whatcom CC at the Hibulb Cultural Center
CHWCMR Evaluating “Oral Health & Social Determinant of Health”
Work-Source WA: Infórmese de servicios
Seasonal Farmworker Programs